Over 16% of all households in Australia have solar PV installed. That’s over 1.5 million Australian households that enjoy the benefits of solar! The figure for NSW is around 14%. So how does the Sutherland Shire compare?
Our top 5 postcodes all have more than 10% solar households, as shown in the table below.
Our smallest postcode, 2172 – Sandy Point, steals the show with 22.4% of dwellings getting energy from the sun.
Just under 10% of all dwellings in the Sutherland Shire have solar – that’s around 6,200 households across the Shire. A rate far below the NSW and national averages.
Which suburbs could lift their game? The bottom 3 postcodes (out of 12) are shown below:
We have a lot of work to do! Every house without solar is spending more than they need on electricity. This is money that could be spent in our local economy.
We got our data from:
- http://pv-map.apvi.org.au/historical#12/-34.0463/151.0548
- http://pv-map.apvi.org.au/postcode
For more info, get in touch: info@sunnyshire.org.au