It turns out we were on the right track!
Jay and I have been cautious when advising you all about the the bulk buy, but have been generally saying that getting a bigger solar system may be the best option. But now it is confirmed, bigger is better. Read on how this thinking has evolved in recent weeks in the industry.
May 11 – Go Big: Six reasons why you should be a rooftop solar champion – Jonathan Prendergast
When we got solar, I wanted to get a big system: 8 kW, 10kW, or even bigger. Luckily for me, my more economically rational partner pushed me to justify the investment in such a large system. My day job often sees me trying to find unseen levers or unthought of value streams to justify innovative investments, so the challenge was set.
As it turned out, there are many great reasons to maximise your rooftop potential by investing in a system that is larger than your immediate needs.
So in May, I published this article giving 6 reasons why.
June 7 – What size system should you get? 3kW, 5kW, 7kW? – Jay Banyer
A couple of weeks ago, Jay crunched the numbers, to assess what is the best option: 3kW, 5kW or 7kW. Which option sees the cheapest overall electricity costs for a house over 10 years? Check out his post where he found whichever assumptions he made, Spoiler: 7kW won.
June 16 – Bigger is now better for rooftop solar – even for low energy users – ATA
On Tuesday, the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) released a report that confirms it. Even for low energy users, bigger is better.
June 20 – Rooftop solar’s new boom – when installing PV becomes a no-brainer – Sophie Vorrath
Detailed anlaysis on how this thinking has evolved. Basically, if Cory Bernardy is getting solar, it’s a no-brainer.
This is great that Sunny Shire was on the right track. Well actually, we were ahead of the market!